
eSISA: Interoperability solutions for the food industry

Financial Entity: Plan Avanza. Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio

Duration: July 2009-December 2011

Objective: The re-engineering of the inter-enteprise food business processes and the development of a set of web services to improve the inter-enterprises interoperability. The main technological goal of this project is to create a platform (web services and user applications) to set up a standard and comprehensive interoperability and cooperation solution for enterprises in the field of quality control and food safety. The main output of this project is the development of a pilot application for the value chain of the olive and grape sector. In the case of the grape sector, it is taken into account the management of the Denominaciones de Origen (designation of origin) and the relationship with grape enterprises. The main characteristic of the developed solution is that it can be used as SaaS (Software as a Service) and it is possible to be incorporate it with third-part applications. .


Universitat Jaume I Campus de Riu Sec - Avda. Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n 12006 Castelló de la Plana
Tel: 964 728727 Fax: 964 728435