

Participating groups:

  • Grupo de Métodos de Producción de Software OO-Method (Universitat Politècnica de València)
  • Centro de Investigación, Gestión e Ingeniería de Producción (CIGIP, Universitat Politècnica de València)

IRIS subproject: Integration of the IRIS methodology for supporting the generation of information systems from business process models

Financial Entity: Generalitat Valenciana

Key words: Enterprise models, Model driven architecture

Duration: Febraury 2007-December 2008

Objective: Integration of business processes and the information systems that support them is a key factor for enterprises that want to implement new software. At present, the connection between these two elements is not approached in a suitable manner and they work as independent activities, the result being the development of information systems that do not fit enterprise business processes correctly. The IRIS group from the Universitat Jaume I has developed different projects for enterprises in which process modelling techniques have been used to integrate business and information systems. The main objective is to analyse these business processes, with the aim of improving them, and also to define the requirements that should be met by the information systems that are to support the business in the future. Within this framework, the aim of this subproject is to integrate the IRIS group’s methodology within the information system generation methodology developed by the OO-Method group. Business process modelling will be the first step to achieving this generation.

Evaluation Framework for Model Driven Web Engineering Methods and Tools


Universitat Jaume I Campus de Riu Sec - Avda. Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n 12006 Castelló de la Plana
Tel: 964 728727 Fax: 964 728435